THE PHARISEE IN EACH OF US (Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof)


Under the veil dressed from top to toe in purest white, the bride trips down the aisle with one dainty hand clutching her bouquet of fresh white roses as the other hand clings to the strong supportive arm of the father. Eyes are watching and we are all ululating. The sweet echo-sound of the piano can be heard from the outside as the choir sings the usual ‘ndi lonjezo la Mulungu’ in their soft soprano and alto. We are excited.
Is she really who she has just claimed to be? By wearing the white dress, holding her father’s arm as she moves gently towards the altar. She is ready to say the vows she has practiced ever since.
Are we really who we claim to be as we support this in the church? Do we stand in as witnesses, affirming that whatever is happening there is in truth and purity? Proverbs 19:9 – a false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.

In the last few nights we just threw her the “hen party” she had always dreamt of and had been asking for all the while. We then managed to get her into the ‘last fling before the ring’ situation.

She went through confession and repenting class or sorts just a few weeks before getting to the altar just to follow tradition.

On the other hand, the man boldly matches towards the bride in a blue suit, as one who is saying “with your help Lord, I have been true to what You Lord have commanded in regards to life before marriage. I have been faithful to You God, I have been faithful to her, I have honored her Father by keeping her pure. I have washed her with Your word, and without wrinkle or blemish I bring her before the altar in witness of God and the whole church. I promise to love her by your example of how much you have loved the church, protect and provide for her spiritually, emotionally and physically. I realize that without the enabling grace, am incapable to live out this high calling but by constantly abiding in Your love strength.
But we all know what he as ben up to the last few days. The numerous scandals he has made and how abusive he can be with his mouth.
There might be a bit of wry humor in all this, but it’s quite certain that there will be no laughter when each of us gives account to God of the deeds done.

Does God really bless such mockery? Would He bless something that goes against His word?

I wonder

Hebrews 13:4-marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

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